Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The real working life in Google

Lots of people are envious of being a employee in Google. why? For the life there, the feebback culture there, or the atmosphere there? As one of the biggest tech companies on the planet, the real life there is always mysterious for our common people. often we can hear some people in it saying how wonderful working there with those comments like everyone there is super smart, there are 18 different cafes, having free breakfast, lunch, dinner, food is gourmet quality, there is 7 person conference bicycles, every Friday , Larry, Sergei, or Eric takes questions from them (in person) and get free beer.

Seems like a life in the paradise, isn`t it? but we also know that all the things have two different sides, recently, There’s an interesting thread, in which Google employees are asked to describe their experiences working for the Internet giant. And we hear different voice about working life there.

“I’ve been there for about 5 years. You can read about the good parts anywhere, so I’ll try to offer a counterpoint based on having worked at other software companies.

A common problem is that it’s easy to become spoiled by all the perks. Several offices have developed distinct cultures of entitlement, and people whine about the quality of the fudge on the free brownies. It’s embarrassing to be around people who’ve become like spoiled children.

An engineering-specific problem there is that there’s a lot of support for operations — that is, lots of people whose job it is to keep the systems running. Engineers don’t habitually carry pagers and are on-call relatively infrequently. The plus side is that they can focus on development, get adequate sleep, and be more productive. The downside is that they can easily lose touch with what’s really going on in the data centers and sometimes even their customers. It’s a trade-off. Google is at least aware of it and uses incentive programs to entice engineers to spend time in ops roles.

Last, the company is big into ‘generating luck,’ which means trying a whole bunch of stuff in the hopes that a few efforts will pay off.”

Well, we don`t need much more counterpoints cause we already have known the real situation of the Google employees from words above. As I said at the first part, two sides in a same stuff. A lot of people always wanted to work with Google while most of its employees are constantly in the battle for having their own startup companies. You see, anyway, it's not always about working with a big and famous company, it's about doing what you really like and what's truly rewarding.

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