Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Asian Americans -- Jeremy Lin creates a legend for himself

The Golden State Warriors have signed local-star and NBA Summer League phenom Jeremy Lin to a multi-year deal. This is absolutely a legend for the 21 years old guy.

As an Asian Americans, Lin gets quite a lot strengths which also makes him feel aspiring about his NBA career. "I think my style of play fits better in the NBA game," Lin said. "It`s a little more up and down. (Summer League) has been a great experience. The more I went through the process the more I gained confidence that I could play at this level and now I`m confident I can play here and I know I belong. It`s a matter of proving it now."

Previously, Lin played four years at Harvard where he became one of the Ivy League’s best players ever.Deceptively quick and athletic, noticeably has a quick first step, has nice touch around basket, very crafty with the ball, excellent at changing direction, Lin sees a lane and takes it and he's not afraid to get fouled, Can adjust his body and shot in mid air, absorbs contact well, Uses on-ball screens very well with an ability to explode to the hoop, solid handle, above average crossover and shows the ability to split double teams with ease, Can get in the paint and make plays for others, Plays solid off-ball defense, ability to see man and ball, Great awareness and reaction time, Very effective in transition, Good lateral movement when playing man to man perimeter defense and high awareness when playing help defense, Has decent strength with long, solidly built arms, Works hard at his game, Has shown the ability to step up in big games and make clutch plays (hit a game winner to open the season) ... All this strong points makes Jeremy Lin different and be destined for his legend.

But the history has a profound lesson, all the Asian Americans ever to play in the NBA had not a smooth career. From Wataru Misaka, Raymond Townsend, Corey Gaines, Rex Walters to Robert Swift, discrimination was full of their sports career. Just like Lin`s coach said in his high school time, even if you played well, as an Asian Americans you still needed to be patient.

Thank the Dallas for that costful chance to let Jeremy play in the NBA summer league and therefor we start to know this shy guy who`s already famous during his university time. We can also learn that Lin is quite interested in some TEC stuff, like transmitter. A real big boy, and we like to know more things about his life, his playing transmitter time. As a new fans, i`d like to wish he can roll his hoop in the first season of NBA.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dose it surely suitable for children to fly alone?

If your kid have no choice but to catch the flight alone, what would you do? Do you feel much worried about that?

Stingray, a mum has such an annoyance recently. "I have a 9 year-old son, who is v mature for his age and self-confident. I plan to take him to Guatemala this year for two weeks. My mum wanted to come too and would escort him back to UK. She's now got cold feet. I can put him onto an airplane in Guatemala, and his mum will meet him at UK airport. But he'll have to change planes, catch another flight in Houston to London. Is this possible? Can airline/airport staff escort minors to their connecting flights? I think there's is a v slim chance I'd want him to do this anyway, but is it actually feasible?"

As we all know there are many such kind services in airline company. The kid would come under the Unacompanied Minors provisions. He will be "signed" over to the airline staff and basically not allowed out of their sight until he is handed over to the duly authorised person at the other end. Sometimes there is a cost involved. But things change uncertainly. Recently some airlines have stopped providing this service as the risks are quite considerable.

The airline company`s misgivings are quite reasonable. Things of Kid are difficult to dope out. Anyway airline also would make mistakes during the escorting which brings much more risks. Irresponsible things happen quite often.

So would it be feasible scarcely? surely not. Our experts suggest that if you really need to let your kids fly alone. You should call the airline industry and ask about their policies and confirm when dropping your son off. Then make sure he knows the drill as well and come up with an emergency plan should he get separated. As the author Kimpaul would never let my kid to fly alone all by himself in any case, just in case.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Gas station explosion – Caused by the cell phone?

An email myth says: using cell phone near gas station can cause accident explosion. A story goes that there is a CEO speeding along on the highway, all the suddenly he finds his car is just about out of gas, so he drives to a gas station, gets out starting fueling, takes out the cell phone and calls the office at which point there is a big fire balls goes to the CEO and the entire gas station explodes. Are the two rumors authentic? They are good stories and good stories are very powerful. People believe it deeply. We can see the signs say please don`t use your cell phone here in the gas station.
There have been more than 150 gas station fires crashed the united states since the early 90th. Could the cell phone be the reason? Well, the science says No! The data shows over 50% the accidents occur during the person go back to his car while his refueling. Ten years the statistic plays women in the most danger. They are largely responsible for the gas station explosions, especially because they get in and out of their cars while fueling up, so they build up static charge on their body. When they touch the gas tank they cause the explosion. With the 152 cases now we`ve conformed, 78% are women, 22% are men.
Now we know the problem comes from getting back into the car while refueling, electricity static charges are generated on the seat and clothing while do the movement, getting out takes the charge with you, so if you first touch is near the open fuel tank the resulting discharge spark could be deadly.
So how to solve this problem? Mostly the young people cause the fire. They just simply jump out of the car, not touching anything while the old people often touch the car window or door when they come out of the car and When they do that they discharge.
when you find that there are sparks while you are refueling, remember no to be over reacted, avoiding to spill out the oil cause they can lead a big fire and that can get on yourself.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

McCartney makes Ringo Starr wet eyes

Ringo Starr's 70th special birthday has definitely a great "feel good" tale because additional information arise of all the things close to Paul McCartney's shock look.

Ken Dashow interviewed present Ringo Starr All-Starr Band member Gary Wright upon Q104.three "Breakfast with the Beatles" on his display Weekend morning. Wright said the surprise showing up by McCartney had been organized through Ringo's spouse Barbara Bach and his brother-in-law, Joe Walsh.

He admits that when Ringo arrived off stage after "With a little help from My friends," Wright was standing beside Ringo as well as Barbara in the wings. Barbara asked Ringo in the event that if he was ready with regard to his shock. Whenever Ringo noticed McCartney start "Birthday," Wright said, "His mouth just can`t help to be fallen!"

And then in mere seconds, he had been operating on stage with regard to his drums. Wright also said Ringo had something shining in his eyes!

Later on, Wright said Paul McCartney gave Gary a big embrace as well as said how wanderful it was to satisfy him, as well as exactly what an admirable job he did throughout the display. They rode the actual lift together and Paul additionally informed Whilst gary that he and Nancy were sitting in the crowd viewing the actual display. McCartney said that it had been initially he would ever seen among Ringo's exhibits. He mentioned how excellent he believed it had been, as well as such a great sense of humor Ringo had during the display.

Monday, July 12, 2010

A winning without Raul

2010 FIFA World Cup get its finnal champion at last. Spain beat Netherland with score 1:0. The 8th champion team in the FIFA World Cup history comes out. At the speacial night, people feel happy, crazy while somemen would be different.

Two times, when Spanish touched the top of the football hall of Europe and the world we all missed the image of its forever leader Raul Gonzalez. That man should stand with his comrades on the stage of champion. Compared with Raul
Iker Casillas was definitely a lucky one who shared his time with spain to experience those two great time mentioned above.

Captain Raul - a legend of Real Madrid whoes loyal career seems to be end in this season cause Madrid decided to send him out for a new white ship`s sailing. Last season, we all can make out that under the inspiring of the chairman and couch of Madrid Raul seemd to be far and far from the main force formation.

Time flies quickly, while we are all in recalling of that classic kissing ring action to celebrate goals. That cute boy turns to be a handsome man now while the time which belongs to him no longer exists. I don`t know Raul`s true feeling when he knew the spain winning the World Cup but i do know besides the happy as a spanish Raul still got a special feeling as a football player. All a palyer wants is to win the World Cup on behalf of his country. Casy made it come ture while Raul had to face all the unfair truths.

Yes, there are unfairs in the world. why Netherlands could not win it? they had paid the same efforts like spain. This is a thing called destiny. Like the one of Raul`s. we are all standing behind our forever captain - Raul. Please remember that we still miss you at this celebrating night.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The real working life in Google

Lots of people are envious of being a employee in Google. why? For the life there, the feebback culture there, or the atmosphere there? As one of the biggest tech companies on the planet, the real life there is always mysterious for our common people. often we can hear some people in it saying how wonderful working there with those comments like everyone there is super smart, there are 18 different cafes, having free breakfast, lunch, dinner, food is gourmet quality, there is 7 person conference bicycles, every Friday , Larry, Sergei, or Eric takes questions from them (in person) and get free beer.

Seems like a life in the paradise, isn`t it? but we also know that all the things have two different sides, recently, There’s an interesting thread, in which Google employees are asked to describe their experiences working for the Internet giant. And we hear different voice about working life there.

“I’ve been there for about 5 years. You can read about the good parts anywhere, so I’ll try to offer a counterpoint based on having worked at other software companies.

A common problem is that it’s easy to become spoiled by all the perks. Several offices have developed distinct cultures of entitlement, and people whine about the quality of the fudge on the free brownies. It’s embarrassing to be around people who’ve become like spoiled children.

An engineering-specific problem there is that there’s a lot of support for operations — that is, lots of people whose job it is to keep the systems running. Engineers don’t habitually carry pagers and are on-call relatively infrequently. The plus side is that they can focus on development, get adequate sleep, and be more productive. The downside is that they can easily lose touch with what’s really going on in the data centers and sometimes even their customers. It’s a trade-off. Google is at least aware of it and uses incentive programs to entice engineers to spend time in ops roles.

Last, the company is big into ‘generating luck,’ which means trying a whole bunch of stuff in the hopes that a few efforts will pay off.”

Well, we don`t need much more counterpoints cause we already have known the real situation of the Google employees from words above. As I said at the first part, two sides in a same stuff. A lot of people always wanted to work with Google while most of its employees are constantly in the battle for having their own startup companies. You see, anyway, it's not always about working with a big and famous company, it's about doing what you really like and what's truly rewarding.